Sheltering With God

How are you doing?  I know for me, I am tired of staying home to avoid the virus.  I also know that staying home actually weakens my immune system for when I do finally re-enter the world.  But for now, there is a boredom creeping in.  I can understand people’s desire to reopen, as well as the financial need for it.

King David’s likening God to a mother hen seems quite relevant: “4He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. 5You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, 6nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday.” (Psalm 91)  By the way, these verses are one of the few references to God in the feminine.

Perhaps this appeals to me because I have raised chickens and have seen this illustration first-hand.  A mother hen sits on top of her vulnerable chicks to keep them warm, to keep them out of the rain, and to protect them from predators.  To get to her chicks, a predator must go through her first!  This is the kind of love and protection God offers us, His offspring.  God is our shield and refuge.

Notice however, that David does not say that God will stop all the arrows that fly by, nor does He stop pestilence and darkness.  The point is, in the midst of all this, you can still feel God’s love and protection.  He is willing to die for us…and He has through Jesus Christ, our Risen Lord.

We find ourselves somewhat in the midst of David’s “pestilence that stalks by night and a plague that destroys during the day time.” Covid is a worldwide plague.  It stalks people at night and takes them during the day, so to speak.

When you seek the shelter of your nest/home, do you feel God’s calming presence with you? He is there with you!  Don’t let your fear shut the door even to God’s loving presence. You can open the door wide by praying, reading Scripture, by talking to others about your faith. Just shelter in with God. And remember: you are not alone!

My thoughts and prayers are with you,

Pastor Bruce