Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
I hope to send you a devotion addressing the Covid virus each week. It is my hope that you will find these devotions helpful spiritually. I am also hoping that this be one small way that we still find ourselves connected as the Body of Christ here in Willimantic.
Devotion: Keeping Spiritually Strong During Draining Times
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self- discipline.” (2 Timothy 1:7)
I’ll admit it, I am afraid of getting the Covid virus. I am in the “at high risk” population. I try to work from home mostly, with the occasional trip to the church. Otherwise, it’s me, Bettylou, and our cat “Fella”.
It’s hard not to be afraid. Every day we hear nothing but tragic news of a spreading disease which is far from over. In fact, it should peak in the Willimantic during the next week or two. It seems that, while our state Governor and the CDC revise various mandates every week as we learn more about this disease. States have made so many mandates that people are finally demonstrating against our individual rights being taken away.
Long-term fear is damaging. We give up our rights way to fast; many people are still in a selfish hording mode; many businesses will not re- open; and millions are suddenly without an income. Do you find yourself being on edge even with yourself? I know I am greatly missing handshakes and hugs during this “physical distancing” time.
Rather than let fear continue to creep into our lives, may I suggest remember that God gave us a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline. We should be reflecting these attributes at all times, especially when our country needs an alternative to fear.
Empower yourself; there are things you can do. Yes, you can wash hands, wear gloves and masks, keep six feet apart. You can also have a neighborhood bbq on your front lawns; you can sing at the window of a resident in a nursing home; you can check up on your neighbor’s heath and needs by phone. You can continue to feed the hungry with the proper precautions. You can rediscover the art of writing letters or emails. Start a new hobby. Read the Bible so you can share insights to others when this is all over. Make a list of what you would like your “new normal” to be, rather than automatically slide back into routines when this is all over. Take charge of your life. Better yet, work on letting God take charge of your life.
Show the spirit of love to your family while confined to the house for long periods. Extend your love to those you haven’t contacted in a year. Check in on your neighbors. Show your appreciation to all those front line workers who are working night and day to help us. Introduce someone to the love of Jesus, our Risen Savior.
Practice your spirit of self- discipline. Hording is contagious. Simply purchase what you need. Don’t become a “grazer” when stuck at home. As one Facebook posting said: “I thought my pants were shrinking due to the dryer. Come to find out, it was the refrigerator!” How many times in the past have you said: “I never have enough time to read the Bible.” Well, here’s your time. No excuses. Now is the time to expand your prayer life. No excuses. Now is the time to thank God for all we do have, even when sheltered in.
Our country needs a spirit of power, love and self- discipline. We Christians can show them the way!
May you stay healthy and spiritually strong throughout these challenging days!
Pastor Bruce